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- Partner School of Jolly Learning 英國 Jolly Learning 認可伙伴學校
- Education Licence Number 教育局註冊學校:617482
Learn With Jolly Phonics

This course aims at teaching phonics based on the 42 Jolly Phonics basic sounds with letters. Teachers will practise with students to blend words according to sounds and syllables building up their confidence in dealing with unknown words with a view to helping them to develop good reading, dictation and writing skills.
本課程旨在以Jolly Phonics內42個主要語音為基礎教授拼音知識。教師將引導學生運用語音和音節將英文生字拼讀出來,過程中建立拼讀新詞彙的信心,從而幫助他們發展良好的閱讀、聽寫和寫作技巧。
・拼寫搗蛋單詞(tricky words)
Ms Angela Iu督導
全港7位官方認可國際 Jolly Phonics 專業導師之一
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