- Partner School of Jolly Learning 英國 Jolly Learning 認可伙伴學校
- Education Licence Number 教育局註冊學校:617482

About Us
Who We Are
Our History
Crisyland was first established in 2004. In June 2011, Crisyland was then moved to Wah On Building becoming a fully licensed education centre. In October 2020, we have fully re-located to a new Crisyland at Tai Wo Centre. We have been passionate about children and education for nearly 20 years, motivating English Learning in New Territories’ Community.
Crisyland於2004年創立。2011年6月搬到華安樓地下成為持牌教育機構。 於2020年十月遷入太和中心。Crisyland熱衷於培育小孩接近20年,推動新界區的英語教育發展。
Angela Iu
Our director, Angela Iu (“Angela”), is an authorized Jolly Phonics Professional Trainer by Jolly Learning UK ( Founder and International Publisher). She is authorized to train teachers and students. Her mission is to share joy and benefits of Jolly Phonics with the teachers, parents and children.
我們的總監Angela 是Jolly Learning UK(創辦Jolly Phonics和國際出版社)認可的專業培訓導師。Angela致力培育老師和小孩,她的理想是將Jolly Phonics的好處和學習Jolly Phonics所帶來的喜悅,與老師、家長和小孩分享。

About Our Courses
Many of our classes are taught using the Jolly Learning programme. It is a fun, British phonics programme, starting with learning the English sounds and advancing as the students grow.
多數Crisyland的課程,特別是3-7歲幼童的課程,都沿用英國Jolly Learning的課程。Jolly Phonics是有趣的拼音課程,由學習Jolly Phonics的42個單音開始,這個重要的英語基礎也能隨著學童的成長也會日益躍進。

Our Vision
We strive to provide quality learning opportunities and outcomes for all children, with active participation in a safe, enjoyable and respectful environment.